Too much sitting can sap your energy, make your joints stiff, adversely affect your overall health, and contribute to chronic neck and back pain.

Sitting has been referred to as the ‘new smoking’ because it has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and obesity. In addition, studies have shown that people with sedentary lifestyles are more likely to develop back and neck pain.

Tips to Increase Activity :

  • Try to walk every day for at least 15 minutes. When you take lunch, include time to take a brief walk
  • At work…get up every 30 minutes to stretch, walk down the hallway, instead of calling your co-worker in an adjacent office, go their office to talk to them
  • When parking, resist trying to find the closest spot, park farther away
  • Use a step counter or your smart phone to count and track your daily steps.
  • Be aware of how long your sitting and plan to reduce the time accordingly
  • Use a standing desk and an ergonomic chair.
  • While sitting place a rolled towel behind your back and a stool under your feet
  • Take the stairs, not the elevator whenever possible
  • Limit your time on social media and TV and take breaks
  • Remember to start slowly and build up to the recommended guidelines.
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